The Plan aims to provide a framework for the implementation of the global project for the development of the Northern Italy inland waterways (from the Venice Sea Port to Cremona Inland Port) with a mid-term perspective.
The Plan takes into account not only the planning of infrastructural interventions to overcome bottlenecks and adaptation to class V of the waterway, but also a logistic analysis of the whole supply chain, including the multimodal nodes and the waterway as part of a trans European axis interchanging with railways (PF1 and PP6) and MoS (PP21) in the Adriatic Sea, as well as its connection to the rail/road Berlin/Palermo axis.
The Plan considers fluviomaritime navigation issues, short sea shipping, fleet development programmes and River information Services development. The need for a comprehensive plan has been raised by the local and regional port and the waterway authorities that have subscribed to the agreement for a coordination other Northern Italy waterway system.
The overall objective of the Plan is to represent an instrument able at the same time to define a strategy for the development of inland navigation for the next decades, but also to be modified and adapted at the necessities implemented by the stakeholders in the management of the waterway.
The strategy points at making the inland waterways of Northern Italy more attractive as a logistics and transport infrastructure. This is pursued through the improvement of the overall planning and the coordination of operational activities and investment roadmaps, by joining all existing local plans and projects in a unique framework. The farthest objective is also to extend the reach of the Northern Italy Waterway System to the Adriatic Sea, enhancing a new corridor up to Greece and further to the Black Sea, one of the main export area of Mediterranean Sea to North Italy.
The output is a strategic action plan including;
- Analysis of surveys results and identification of current bottlenecks (not only infrastructural, also possibly legal, regulatory, environmental, commercial or operational).
- A strategy including short-mid-long term objectives.
- The methodology.
- The action programme including: (i) a list of priority projects, synthetically described in factsheets; (ii) a list of pilot projects, described more in detail, including feasibility study, timetable, financial perspective; (iii) a monitoring plan.
The Plan is based on desktop studies, on on-field research and it provides for consultation with stakeholders and investors; it results into a scenario definition and an set of recommendations for actions.